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Nasa Confirms Earth Like Planet Discovery

NASA Confirms Earth-Like Planet Discovery

A Glimpse into the Cosmos

Kepler-452b: A Potential Habitable Zone

In a groundbreaking discovery, NASA has announced the detection of an Earth-like planet orbiting a Sun-like star. Designated Kepler-452b, the planet is located approximately 1,400 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus.

Kepler-452b is slightly larger than Earth, with a radius of around 1.6 times our planet's. It orbits its host star every 385 days, placing it in the habitable zone – the region where liquid water can exist on its surface. This discovery raises hopes for finding life beyond Earth.

The planet's host star, Kepler-452, is also similar to our Sun, but slightly cooler and dimmer. Its age is estimated to be around 6 billion years, making it older than the Earth's Sun. This stability and longevity increase the likelihood that Kepler-452b could sustain life.


The discovery of Kepler-452b represents a profound leap forward in our quest to understand our place in the universe. It brings us closer to finding an answer to one of humanity's most enduring questions: Are we alone?
